- July 2008-
1. Passing it Forward
2. Oral Arguments Scheduled in Salt Fork Appeals
3. Rolling on the River - Cyclist and Volunteers Needed
4. Become a Member of Prairie Rivers Network
Passing it Forward
In the spring of 2006, Lisa Sechler called Prairie Rivers Network to ask for help in organizing a neighborhood stormdrain stenciling event. Knowing that stormwater runoff contributes to water pollution, a few of the Urbana Yankee Ridge subdivision residents wanted to educate their neighbors and visitors about the connection between stormwater runoff and river pollution. On a warm May afternoon, Lisa’s husband, daughters Amalia, Mara, and Zina, and several other families joined PRN staff persons Cecily Smith and Stacy James to take a walk through their neighborhood. Stopping at each storm drain, some group members stenciled on the message “Dump No Waste – Drains to Rivers;” other members went door-to-door to hand out information to their neighbors.
It took only a couple of hours to complete the stenciling project, but the importance of teaching others what they can do to decrease water pollution continues to be practiced by Lisa’s family and friends. Last month Lisa’s daughter Amalia, now 14, decided to set up an “Eco-Info table” at the Yankee Ridge annual picnic, which is held at the neighborhood pond. Amalia and her sisters Mara, 12, and Zina, 8, wanted to provide information to everyone attending the picnic on topics ranging from recycling to mercury disposal to stormwater runoff pollution. PRN was happy to provide Amanda with materials for her table and as Amalia reported back, her efforts were successful:
“My sisters and I set up what we called 'The Eco-Info Table.' We set out all the information that (PRN) gave us, plus some info that we found at the Urbana Free Library, mostly about different types of recycling and about handling mercury items (light bulbs, thermometers, etc.)…We encouraged our neighbors to come over to our table and check out and take the information that we had, we also answered many questions.
We educated some people that the storm drains really do go into our pond. People were unaware that our pond was built as a drainage basin, that all the storm drains contents end up in the pond. It led to discussions on lawn care and that the water is only test (sic) for E. coli.

We also organized different games with prizes for the kids if they wanted to play. We had about 6 kids playing the games. We also gave out the Frisbees that you gave us and white boards as prizes to the children. We also placed labeled recycling bins out, and later recycled the contents from the picnic. We tried to make the picnic as 'green' as possible. We believe that our 'Eco-Info Table' was very successful in educating our neighbors.”
Kudos to Amalia, Mona and Zina for their hard work, and for reminding all volunteers that creativity and fun can be a part of teaching young and old alike how to keep their rivers and streams clean.
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Oral Arguments Scheduled in Salt Fork Appeal
On July 16th, the Illinois Court of Appeals for the Fourth District, will be hearing oral arguments on the appeal of last November’s Champaign County Circuit Court decision denying the Upper Salt Fork Drainage District’s (USFDD) request to increase annual landowner assessments from $1.15 to $5 an acre. For details of the original court case see the December 4, 2007 press release.
The USFDD appealed the November 30, 2007 decision, and both parties (the USFDD and district landowners) filed briefs. The central arguments presented on appeal involve fundamental questions on: 1) requirements for annual assessment petitions; and 2) the court’s role in reviewing and approving requests for increased assessments.
If you are interested in attending the oral arguments, they are scheduled for July 16, 2008 at 11 a.m. at the Fourth District Appellate Court building, 201 W. Monroe St., in Springfield. As this is a formal court matter, attendees are reminded that they must be quiet and behave in a respectful manner at all times while in the courtroom. For more information about the hearing and carpooling arrangements, please contact Cecily Smith at csmith@prairierivers.org or 217.344.2371.
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Rolling on the River
Cyclists and Volunteers Needed!
August 16th is the third annual Rolling on the River – Illinois’ Ride for the Environment. Rolling on the River (RRR) is a one-day fundraising cycling event, with the proceeds benefiting Prairie Rivers Network, the Illinois Environmental Council and Illinois Stewardship Alliance. With course lengths of 15, 25, 45, 62 and 100 miles, RRR is organized with the goal of being family-friendly and fun. RRR is a fully supported ride with every rest stop not only providing great snacks and drinks, but great live music as well. Post-ride events at RRR headquarters (Kendall County Fairground in Yorkville) include a free lunch for riders, an environmental expo, and more live music.
PRN’s team, the Road Toads, is looking for riders – by registering as a team member you save $10 off the registration fee. Fundraising prizes include bicycles, a weekend in a Chicago lakefront condo, Patagonia merchandise and more. We also need volunteers starting Friday the 15th through Sunday the 17th. Volunteers who sign up for at least eight hours can camp free at Dickson Valley Resort (includes resort activities such as canoeing, rock climbing and swimming). For more information, and to register as a cyclist or volunteer, go to www.rollingriverride.org. For information about PRN’s Road Toads, contact Cecily Smith at csmith@prairierivers.org or 217.344.2371.
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Become a Member
Not already a member of Prairie Rivers Network or need to renew your membership? Donate online to PRN online and help us protect water quality and river habitats to make our community a better place to live.
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© Copyright 2007 Prairie Rivers Network
1902 Fox Drive, Suite G
Champaign, IL 61820
217/344-2371 |