
-April 2005-

Five Reasons to Storm Drain Stencil

Last summer marked the first Storm Drain Stenciling Adventure for Prairie Rivers Network and the creation of our Storm Drain Stenciling Adventure Kits as part of the Be River Smart Illinois! Campaign. The purpose of this was to inform the public of steps they can take to improve water quality.

What is a Storm Drain Stenciling Adventure?

This is an event where community groups like boy/girl scouts, neighborhood organizations, and church groups stencil the message "DUMP NO WASTE - DRAINS TO RIVERS" on a storm drain. Meanwhile, other team members deliver handouts that inform residents of the stenciling project and pick up trash and debris that could eventually find it's way down the storm drain to the river. Stenciling is a fun and easy way to educate people about the fate of stormwater runoff, a major source of water pollution.

Stormwater runoff accumulates many contaminants as it travels across streets, driveways, yards, or parking lots before entering a drain. As you might know, storm drains lead directly to local waterways, carrying the untreated and polluted storm water. They do not lead to water treatment facilities, as many erroneously believe. Consequently, the cumulative effects of polluted stormwater runoff are devastating to the health and vitality of Illinois' rivers, lakes, and streams.

So why stencil a storm drain?

  1. You're getting to the root of the problem. Most people still believe that industry is the greatest source of pollution, but it's us. non-point source pollution, or "pointless pollution"; orgiginates from not one source, but from many miscellaneous and unrelated sources. Pointless pollution is the greatest contributor to stormwater pollution. By Storm Drain Stenciling, you are educating others that the cumulative effects of everyday citizens have the greatest impact on storm water quality.

  2. We need to address this problem of dirty storm water. Dirty storm water is a serious problem and has serious consequences for human life. According to the EPA, most of our surface water pollution comes from storm water. However, 60% of Americans depend upon surface water for their drinking water. This means that keeping storm water clean helps not only overall water health, but the health of a majority of Americans.

  3. It's easy. Little time is required to stencil storm drains, and it does not require specific skills. Plus, Prairie Rivers Network is making Storm drain stenciling extremely easy by offering storm drain stenciling kits free of charge. We want to help as many groups throughout our state to develop Storm Drain Stenciling Adventures. The kits have a majority of the necessary equipment for stenciling drains. We provide as much assistance as needed to help interested groups hold an event. What could be easier?

  4. It's effective. It comes as no surprise that studies validate the effectiveness of storm drain stenciling. People around stenciled neighborhoods were more aware of the fate of storm water than those without the stenciled storm drains. Recent studies in Wisconsin and Washington show that over 75% of people who had seen the stenciled drains knew where their water went, compared to about a third of those who had not seen a stenciled drain.

  5. It teaches people to appreciate their interconnectedness to water. By Stenciling, you are educating people about their influence to others who live further down the river. They are forced to see that something that starts at home has bigger consequences to surrounding communities.

It is no doubt that Storm Drain Stenciling Adventures are needed, but they are also very easy to hold. If these five reasons compel you to host a stenciling adventure in your area, consider contacting Prairie Rivers Network for access to our free Storm Drain Stenciling Kits. E-mail Jane Li, the Volunteer Opportunities Coordinator at jli@prairierivers.org, or call (217)344-2371.