Your right to kayak, canoe, and enjoy Illinois’ rivers is at risk – but you can help protect it today. While federal and state laws support public use of our waterways, confusion over these laws has led to landowners and local officials blocking the public from public waters.
Did you know? Illinois Department of Natural Resources claims that 98% of rivers and streams in Illinois are not public waterways, denying the public its legal right to access them? IDNR’s stance conflicts with state and federal law and the state’s public trust doctrine.
The Illinois Supreme Court recently urged lawmakers to take action and clarify this fundamental right. Right now, a critical bill—HB 1873—has been introduced to guarantee that the public can use rivers that can support canoes and kayaks while also respecting private landowner concerns.
If we are going to keep Illinois rivers free, lawmakers have to hear from their constituents that they should support and cosponsor this bill.
Take action today:
Call your state representative and urge them to cosponsor and support HB 1873.
Send a quick email—we’ve made it easy for you below!
Tell your legislators: Keep Illinois rivers free for everyone! Together, we can protect our right to enjoy our waterways.
Want to learn more about river access in Illinois? Here are some resources:
Forever Free: Illinois River Access Briefing
Public Rights in Illinois Waterways Under Federal and State Law – A law review article by University of Illinois law professor Eric Freyfogle