Take action and ask your state legislators to cosponsor the Municipal and Cooperative Electric Utility Planning and Transparency Act (HB 2902/SB 2473) and the Solar Bill of Rights (HB3322/SB 2473). Together these bills will help Illinois public power utilities and their customers access the benefits of renewable energy and plan a transition away from planet-warming, coal-fired power.
Over one million Illinois residents are served by public utilities, meaning they get their power from municipally-owned electric utilities or rural electric cooperatives. Unlike ComEd and Ameren ratepayers, public utilities do not have to plan for a clean energy future, nor provide their customers with clean energy benefits and programs, such as those in the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act. Fortunately, state legislation has been proposed to require long-term energy planning and improve the public engagement and solar access for the customers of municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives.
This affects us all. Municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives are still overwhelmingly committed to coal-fired power, and the air and climate pollution from these plants impacts us all! The Prairie State Coal Plant, owned by public utilities across Illinois and other states, is one of the nation’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters. Under the status quo, these coal plants will be operational for decades to come. Ensuring energy planning and giving their ratepayers a voice can help shift them away from fossil fuels.
The Municipal and Cooperative Electric Utility Planning and Transparency Act (HB 2902/SB 2473) will adopt policies that improve the transparency, energy planning, and governance process. The Solar Bill of Rights (HB 3322/SB 2473) will adopt policies and standards that allow all Illinoisans to reap the economic and environmental benefits of solar.
Now is the time to tell your state legislators to empower municipal utilities and rural electric cooperatives and their customers to take advantage of a renewable energy future! Take action and tell your State Legislators to support the Municipal and Cooperative Electric Utility Planning and Transparency Act and Solar Bill of Rights.