In December 2010, Prairie Rivers Network convened representatives from several citizen-led groups who are working to protect their land, water and communities from the ravages of coal mining, and invited legal and scientific experts to strategize as part of a two-day “coal summit.”
On the first day, environmental advocates and citizens developed strategies to improve the effectiveness of a “beyond coal” movement through shared goals and collaboration. On the second day, lawyers and organizational advocates focused on legal strategies to improve how regulators carry out and enforce the Clean Water Act and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act.
As a result of the first Illinois coal summit, The Heartland Coalfield Alliance was born. The Alliance’s 22 (and growing!) members share a vision to “make a just transition from a coal economy to a clean energy and sustainable economy in America’s Heartland.” In support of the vision, the Alliance has stated goals to:
(1) build the movement of “beyond coal” advocates;
(2) support ongoing efforts to reduce coal impacts; and
(3) develop a roadmap for a transition from a coal-based to a clean energy economy.
In just a few short months, the Heartland Coalfield Alliance has launched a website, built partnerships with other regional and national beyond coal advocates, organized two coal mining tours to educate activists about damage caused by coal, and started work with a state legislator to investigate the extent of state subsidies to the coal industry.
The Alliance has defined the “heartland” as the Illinois coal basin, which includes most of Illinois, and parts of Indiana and Kentucky. The Illinois coal basin is ground zero in the nation’s challenge to move toward clean energy. Organizing the many communities and groups engaged on this issue is an essential component of our larger effort to use advocacy and legal tools to reduce the harmful impacts from the coal industry on drinking water, rivers and wetlands, and the natural wealth of Illinois.
What is “Beyond Coal”?
Beyond coal advocates are working to stop the growth of coal mining and coal-fired power sources, clean up existing coal pollution sites and move toward cleaner energy alternatives.
Fact: Coal provides about half (47%) of Illinois’ electricity.
Fact: Coal is responsible for 93% of the sulfur dioxide and 80% of the nitrogen oxide emissions that contribute to climate change.
Fact: Coal waste from the mining, washing and burning of coal has been found to leak through unlined containment ponds to pollute the surrounding environment and groundwater with elements like lead, mercury and arsenic.
Fact: There are nearly 100 coal ash waste dumps in Illinois- with more contamination sites identified in Illinois than any other state.
Prairie Rivers Network would like to thank those who are making this important work possible. We are grateful for all those who responded to last year’s special appeal. Your dollars made all of this possible.
Heartland Coalfield Alliance is: Prairie Rivers Network ▪ IL Chapter of the Sierra Club ▪ Sierra Student Coalition ▪ IN Chapter of the Sierra Club ▪ Hoosier Environmental Council ▪ Eco-Justice Collaborative Faith in Place ▪ Coal-Free Future Project/Jeff Biggers ▪ Citizens Coal Council ▪ Environmental Integrity Project ▪ Canton Area Citizens for Environmental Issues ▪ Citizens Against Longwall Mining ▪ Stand Up To Coal ▪ Climate Action St. Louis