Water is our most vital resource, and it is threatened daily by emerging contaminants, drought, and aging infrastructure.
Often, rural and disadvantaged communities lack the capital for infrastructure improvements needed to stay within drinking water and water discharge limits. To ensure our communities, large and small, have equitable access to affordable clean water, we held a webinar focused on water project funding opportunities.
Nidhan Singh, from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, shared how the State Revolving Fund can be used to fund both drinking water and wastewater projects. With low interest rates, around 1.87%, these loans can provide financial assistance with community water towers, distribution improvements, and wastewater treatment plant updates. Some communities may qualify for lower interest rates through the small community or hardship designation.
Although communities can apply to the State Revolving Fund anytime, the yearly cycle begins July 1st, and projects must be approved by March 31st each year to be included on the following year’s funding list.
Jean Crowley, from the United States Department of Agriculture, presented on water and wastewater grants provided by their agencies. Through rural development, communities can obtain technical assistance and funding to ensure safe drinking water and sanitation. These federal programs are specifically designed to assist communities with populations of 10,000 or less. USDA also offers project planning funds such as the SEARCH Grant.
The Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Grant can be used for feasibility studies, preliminary design, engineering analysis, and technical assistance related to rural water, solid waste, or storm water disposal projects.
The Great Lakes Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC) continues to bring vital information to our communities in an effort to ensure equitable access to funding opportunities. Your community can access technical assistance through the Great Lakes TCTAC by following this link.