River Steward
The River Steward Award recognizes and celebrates the important work of an individual whose on-the-ground efforts to protect the state’s rivers and streams inspire us. There are many dedicated volunteers around our state who spend countless hours working to protect Illinois’ rivers. They educate us; they do the legwork; they speak the unpopular truths; they go above and beyond. Prairie Rivers Network wants to recognize the people whose clean water victories inspire our staff and other river advocates around the state. Nominate someone for the River Steward Award here!

Past River Steward Award Recipients: Gary Swick (2023); Callie Ramirez (2022); Tracy Fox (2021); Pat Lawlor (2020); Fred Newport (2019); Tom Eckels (2018); Randy Smith & Seth Brady (2017); Bruce Colravy (2016); Carla Murray (2015); Pete Leki (2014); Suzanne Smith (2013); Brenda Dilts (2012); Scott Hays (2011); Kathy Andria (2010); Gary Mechanic (2009); Joyce Blumenshine (2008); Mary Pat Holtschlag (2007); Fran Caffee (2006); Chad Pregracke (2006) (MS River Steward); Jan Holder (2005).
Outstanding Public Servant Award
The Prairie Rivers Network Outstanding Public Servant award was first created in 2008 to highlight the work of Illinois governor Pat Quinn. Over the years, this award has honored those elected officials and public servants that not only advocate for good environmental policies, they see the problems facing Illinois and become part of the solution.

Past Outstanding Public Servant Award recipients: Steven Tarver and Marcella Woodson, co-founders of Men of Power Women of Strength and co-op board members, Sean Park with the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs, and John Shadowens with the University of Illinois Extension (2023); Kathie Brown (2021); Our Public Health Professionals, Julie Pryde & Dr. Ngozi Ezike (2020); State Senator Scott Bennett, Sate Representative Carol Ammons, and State Representative Mike Marron (2019); The Illinois Natural History Survey Rivers Team (2018); Steve Stierwalt of the Champaign County Soil and Water District (2016); and Kevin Green of the Vermilion County Board (2014); Kevin Cummings (2013); Marci Dodds (2010); Pat Quinn (2008)
Volunteer of the Year
Each year, PRN honors volunteers that have helped the organization and staff achieve our mission.

Past Volunteer of the Year recipients: Stand Up To Coal (2022); Chris Main, Toni Oplt, and Dulce Ortiz (2020); Grace and Randy Madding (2019); Marty Kemper and Seth Swoboda (2018); Kate McDowell, Amy Hassinger and Latrelle Bright (2017); Mayor Tyrone Coleman, Richard Grigsby, and Sarita Sawyer (2016); Joy Schmoll (2014); Lucy Bannon (2009); Mickey Kudia (2008); Eric Robeson and Joe Petry (2006); Judy Sacotnik, Sandy Mason, and Sue Smith (2005)
The Fearless Fundraiser Award
First Presbyterian Church of Urbana Earth Care Team (2018)