This year, as part of our Clean Water Forever campaign, and in celebration of It’s Our River Day on Saturday, September 21, we are organizing a state-wide Float for All. We are encouraging everyone to get out on a nearby waterbody and celebrate Illinois’ rivers.
This year, we’re highlighting river access as a key issue that the State of Illinois needs to address.
Across Illinois, we know people love our rivers. They’re the most wild places in our state, providing habitat for wildlife, birds, and a diverse array of fish. And we want people to know that we have a legal right to access them.
This past session, a bill was introduced to clarify our right to access Illinois’ Rivers. We are hoping to build even more momentum for this bill going into the next legislative session. You can read the bill here.
Interested in joining us for Float for All? Great! Grab a life jacket and head to the river nearest you. We’ll be posting photos from the floats to social media using the hashtags: #FloatForAll and #ItsOurRiver.
Please consider also signing/sharing our petition to demand we keep our right to recreate on Illinois rivers.
We will be on a river in Central Illinois but are encouraging everyone to get out near you:
- Organizers are encouraging people to get out on the Mississippi near Alton.
- Friends of the Fox River have organized quite a few events in the Chicago suburbs.
- If you know of any other events, let us know!
Aren’t sure how to get on the river? We can help connect you with an outfitter. We want this to be a decentralized effort where people float on rivers across the state.
About River Access in Illinois
Did you know? The Illinois Department of Natural Resources claims that 98% of rivers and streams in Illinois are not public waterways, denying the public its legal right to access them? IDNR’s stance conflicts with state and federal law and the state’s public trust doctrine.
We recently hosted a webinar diving into the issue. During this virtual meeting, we were joined by University of Illinois Law Professor Eric Freyfogle to discuss the legal issues around access in Illinois, as well as Kris Most, owner of the Plainfield River Tubing Company to discuss issues she’s had trying to run her business.
Resources on access
Why does Illinois’ Department of Natural Resources claim the public has no right to 98% of waterways? – an op-ed by Prairie Rivers Network Executive Director Maggie Bruns in the Chicago Sun Times
HB4708 – This past session, a bill was introduced to clarify our right to access Illinois Rivers. We are hoping to build even more momentum for this bill going into the next legislative session. You can read the bill here.
Public Rights in Illinois Waterways Under Federal and State Law – A law review article by University of Illinois law professor Eric Freyfogle