1. Become A Member
If you believe in our mission to protect water, heal land, and inspire change, then please become a member today. A $5 monthly donation can go a long way to support our work.
2. Be River Smart
What you can do for clean water in and around your home and your rivers.
3. Plant a Rain Garden
Prevent flooding, clean storm water and create a beautiful landscape feature in your yard.
4. Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat
A Certified Wildlife Habitat sign lets passersby know that you have provided a safe haven for Illinois wildlife.
5. Properly Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste
Dispose of unwanted household chemicals in a way that doesn’t pollute the water.
6. Write a Letter to the Editor
We need more messengers! If you have learned something from Prairie Rivers Network, participated in an event, or you have special knowledge about one of our program areas, please consider writing a letter to the editor to let others know.
7. Monitor Your Local Stream
Illinois has several locally-based volunteer stream monitoring groups. Find one near you and collect the data needed to support preservation, protection, and restoration.
8. Reduce Stormwater Pollution from Construction Sites
Construction is going on all around us. With a little training, you can learn to spot construction sites that are polluting local waters…and report them.
9. Protect Your Streams from Dredging and Filling
Keep your eyes and ears open for the destruction of wetland or stream habitats without a permit…and report it.
10. Report Water Pollution
Citizen reports do lead to action. We can’t just rely on the Environmental Protection Agency; we need to have a culture of environmental protection.
11. Leave a Legacy
Leave a legacy to the future of Illinois rivers by making a gift to our Prairie Rivers Network Endowment or adding Prairie Rivers Network to your planned giving.