Our Priorities

The Mahomet Aquifer is the lifeblood of Central Illinois, supplying clean drinking water...

Energy Democracy
Rural electric cooperatives (co-ops) serve the critical electricity needs of rural Illinoisans....

Illinois’ efforts to transition to a clean energy economy should also include support...

Prairie Rivers Network's Clean Water Forever campaign sounds the alarm about the emergency facing our...

Water is Precious. Let’s Keep it Safe!
We all need safe drinking water to...

Healthy Rivers Need Clean Water
Nutrients are good, right? Not always. Too much of...

Embrace the Dandelion to Protect Our Pollinators
We rely on pollinators like bees and...

A Healthy Ecosystem Relies on Abundant Habitat
A healthy ecosystem includes diverse species all...

A Healthy Land Means a Healthy Ecosystem
Food production and conservation can go hand-in-hand.
Rivers are Not Dumping Grounds
Animal waste does not belong in our water. Polluters...