December 21, 2018 | Blog Post
Healing the land and protecting water was a major focus of the work we accomplished in 2018.
Herbicide Drift
Monitoring tree and plant health
June 7, 2018 | Blog Post
Help us monitor tree and plant health on both public and private lands this year.
Herbicide Damage Hurts More Than Just Crops
September 1, 2017 | Press Release
The farm media have widely covered dicamba herbicide damage in soybean fields across the Midwest this summer. However, reports of off-target herbicide damage to other susceptible plants from early season weed control practices on both corn and soybeans are also on the rise.
Pesticide Use and the Threat to Our Living Systems
July 26, 2017 | Blog Post
Here in Illinois we have heard from many of you that have seen the tell-tale effects of growth regulator herbicides (like Dicamba and 2, 4-d) on crop fields, forested areas, and on rare roadside/railside prairies.
Widespread Dicamba Herbicide Use Threatens Midwest Crops and Habitat
April 7, 2017 | Blog Post
The use of dicamba herbicide will be greatly expanded in the Midwest this year with the planting of dicamba resistant soybeans on millions of acres. Dicamba has been registered for use since 1965 and is sold widely in hundreds of products for broadleaf weed control for crops, rights of ways, and lawns. The increased use this year threatens specialty crops, prairie, and pollinator habitat.