This year, PRN embarked on a year-long effort to examine our mission. Staff and board members met over several months to find the right words to project the work that we do and how we do it. We came away from this process inspired to tackle the environmental challenges we will face in the coming years, and we hope you will be moved to join us.
At Prairie Rivers Network, we protect water, heal land, and inspire change.
Using the creative power of science, law, and collective action, we protect and restore our rivers, return healthy soils and diverse wildlife to our lands, and transform how we care for the earth and for each other.
Protect Water
Water is life—connecting, sustaining, and inspiring us all. At Prairie Rivers Network we protect water from the ravages of pollution and restore the beauty and power of naturally flowing rivers. We hold polluters accountable, advance policies to allow river ecosystems to thrive, and promote practices that keep our waters clean.
Heal Land
Land and water form a system on which the entire community of life depends; to care for land is to care for water. Too often, human activity degrades land and water and imperils this community. At Prairie Rivers Network, we advance practices and policies that return health to our soils and increase biodiversity. We work with people to restore the lands along and between our rivers, repair the earth that provides our food, and ensure that animals have the habitat needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Inspire Change
We are part of an interconnected whole. Our community includes all parts of the Earth: soil, water, people, plants, and animals. At Prairie Rivers Network, we elevate and uphold the cultural values and understandings needed for all life to flourish. We use the images and voices of people to tell compelling stories of resistance and renewal. We educate and empower people to act. And we lead collective efforts to create new ways of restoring our rivers, healing our lands, and caring for our neighbors.