This winter, Habitat and Agricultural Programs Specialist, Kim Erndt-Pitcher received a grant from Patagonia to “Promote and Protect Pollinator and Beneficial Insect Habitat” on farms and private land in agricultural landscapes. With these funds and member donations, Kim will work with numerous volunteers and five farmers and landowners to prepare for, install, and maintain 50-70 single species plots of native flowering plants. The species plots will be used as seed sources for spreading the word (and seed) about the important roles native plants, pollinators, and insects play in balancing nature. Diversity is the key! Together, landowners, PRN staff, and volunteers will help maintain plots and collect and clean seed. Seed will be shared with farmers and landowners who are committed to protecting monarchs, bees, birds, and more.
There are many teaching and learning moments that will be shared throughout this process. We plan on connecting people to their local farms, teaching about plant and insect ecology, demonstrating the beauty and awesomeness of the world of bugs, and having a lot of fun! Stay tuned! Kim—along with our staff video guru Robert Hirschfeld—will document this journey with the landowners, the changes in the land, and the changes in the sights, sounds, and feelings we all experience through this physical work. We will share it with you over the coming months and years.