Inspiring change in 2020 was made more challenging with the inability to meet, advocate in Springfield, and talk with legislators in person. As with so much of our work this year, engaging the community and those that represent it moved online.

The Power of One Voice
Before the COVID-19 restrictions were put in place, PRN helped plan two major events in Springfield. With the help of longtime PRN member Chris Main and her group of volunteers, we gathered signatures on an important petition in support of the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA). In total, Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition groups gathered more than 23,000 signatures for CEJA, which we helped deliver to the Governor in January.
In early March, over 700 advocates from across the state descended on the Capitol to push for CEJA passage. Due to COVID, we couldn’t hold another in-person lobby day, but in November, over 1,000 people participated in a Virtual Lobby Day for CEJA! Many took part in a week of action that culminated with legislator meetings over Zoom and then a virtual rally.

After COVID-19 restrictions were instituted, we continued to make progress in building relationships in coal communities facing plant closures, albeit virtually. PRN also helped organize several virtual town halls and meetings on the importance of a Just Transition. With additional plant closures announced by Vistra, the need for ongoing dialogue with these communities is high.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This summer, PRN worked with partners to develop policies that advance racial and socioeconomic justice, helping shape workforce and Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) contractor development programs, and a policy that increases funding for Illinois’ low income solar program. We continue to advocate for a comprehensive energy bill that centers on equity and brings all Illinoisans into a clean energy future.
We are helping the IDEA Farm Network (IFN) grow and improve. The Network now has over 500 members, up from 425 last year. During the pandemic, the IFN has held virtual field days and tailgate conversations to help farmers connect with each other when they would otherwise meet in person, walk fields, and share their stories of regenerative farming together. Despite COVID-19, the group continues to share and grow.
We are hopeful that 2021 will once again bring us together, so that the power of our collective voice can move our cause forward in Springfield, in Washington, and in communities across Illinois.