Submit Your Witness Slip to Show Support for Three House Bills Today!
Pesticide pollution is threatening communities across Illinois and today our network has an opportunity to ring the alarm. The Illinois House Energy and Environment Committee meets TODAY at 4 pm to discuss three bills set out to protect the health of our communities, our trees, and our children from the hazards of pesticide drift and it’s critical that they hear from you!
Prairie Rivers Network is educating decision makers and demanding accountability on the harms of these drifting chemicals. With just a couple minutes of your time, you can join this effort! It’s quick and easy to do!
PESTICIDE-NOTICE-SCHOOLS – Click here to slip in support of HB4932
Requires a 72 hour notice prior to pesticide application to any school or public park within half of a mile. This will directly help protect our children and communities from the effects of these pesticides and herbicide drift. Read more about HB4932.
PESTICIDE-2,4-D BAN – Click here to slip in support of HB4956
Bans the use of all ester formulations of 2,4-D. (Allows for the use of non-volatile formulations.) This will help prevent some of the early and mid-season injuries to trees from vapor drift – one of the biggest threats to our beloved oaks. Read more about HB4956.
PESTICIDE-TREE DAMAGE – Click here to slip in support of HB5018
Amends the Illinois Pesticide Act to raise the fines and point values associated with causing herbicide drift injuries to trees. This will assist us in efforts with our Save Our Trees campaign by making the penalties for using these pesticides more substantial. Read more about HB5018.
Don’t know how to slip? Instructions are below and there is also a short video you can watch!
Witness slips help show support for the bill. Here are some guidelines:
- Click the blue “slip in support” links next to each bill listed above.
- In Section I, fill out your information. In the Firm/Business or Agency” box, enter “self“
- In Section II Representation, enter “self” into the box
- In Section III Position, mark “Proponent”
- In Section IV Testimony, mark “Record of Appearance Only“
Here is a tutorial video to help you feel more comfortable slipping for bills!
With your help we can demonstrate public support for these bills. Thank you for helping keep Illinois healthy!