Prairie Rivers Network provides technical support to local citizen groups who are working to protect clean water and land. One of these groups, Stand Up to Coal, organized a busload of citizens to attend yesterday’s Vermilion County Board meeting. They asked the board to adopt a resolution to oppose coal mining that would compromise the county’s agricultural resource base. Vermilion County does not have any zoning regulations to prevent coal mining, but Traci Barkley, Water Resources Scientist with Prairie Rivers Network, pointed out that the board’s existing authority under state statutes already empowers them to protect the county’s land, water and community health.
Read Stand Up to Coal’s press release, and more about this meeting and the coal mining concerns in these articles:
Danville Commercial-News on March 9, 2011
News-Gazette on March 8, 2011
Illinois Public Media on March 7, 2011
News-Gazette on March 5, 2011
Visit our coal pollution page and our coal news page to learn more about how Prairie Rivers Network is working to prevent coal pollution.