To encourage and recognize the sustained effort that is so important to clean water advocacy, Prairie Rivers Network has created the Bruce Hannon Friends of Illinois Rivers, named in honor of the person who got us started and led our board for 33 years.

In 1967, Bruce and Patricia Hannon learned that the Army Corps of Engineers was planning to dam the Sangamon River and flood Allerton Park. The area was their family’s favorite retreat, and one of the only large forested areas left in agricultural Central Illinois. They knew that they couldn’t just let it happen.
It took nearly 10 years of sustained effort by Bruce and many other dedicated friends to stop the dam. Through this fight they realized that there were many such wasteful and unnecessary projects threatening natural Illinois, and that true progress required activists to find the root causes and confront them. For 45 years, Bruce and friends have continued fighting for Illinois rivers and natural places. Several long-term members of Prairie Rivers Network have supported the organization for decades, and many more have joined the ranks of a committed core of financial supporters who ensure that Prairie Rivers Network can take on the long-term fight for systemic changes that make it possible to enjoy clean drinking water and natural places in the future.
It is easy to be a friend.
Friends are members who donate year after year at the level of $1,000 or more. Friends are donors who indicate, simply but importantly their commitment to sustaining the work of Prairie Rivers Network into the future. Friends receive special quarterly video-casts from the staff.
Join today!
1. Donate online or mail in a check.
2. Set up a recurring monthly donation of $83.34 or more.
3. Donate at a level that covers several years.
4. Contact us about other ways to donate such as appreciated securities, land, endowments, etc.
Thank you to our
Bruce Hannon Friends of Illinois Rivers!
Stephanie and Ralph Alexander
The Bales Family
Phyllis Brissenden
Irene and Clark Bullard
Ellyn and David Bullock
Glynnis Collins and Nick Brozovic
Bill Davey
Jean Flemma and John Epifanio
Jane and Eric Freyfogle
John B. Gilpin
Lizie Goldwasser
Nancy Goodall
Barbara and Robin Hall
Bruce Hannon
Patricia Hannon
DiAnne and Terry Hatch
Susan and Lewis Hopkins
Bob Illyes and Sarah Redd
Dixie and Gary Jackson
Karen Carney and Rob Kanter
Annette and Charles Lansford
Anna Keck and Jason Lindsey
Chris and David Main
Diane and John Marlin
Robert J. McKim
Jon McNussen
Sharon Monday and Jack Paxton
Beverly and Thomas Rauchfuss
Annice Moses and Michael Rosenthal
Ruth Wene and Tom Seals
Trent Shepard
Julie and David Sherwood
Sue and Tom Smith
Ya-Shu Feng and Bill Van Hagey
Carol Goodall Wock