Illinois remains a beacon of possibility and progress amidst the turmoil of the Trump Administration’s attacks on people and the environment. As we fight back against federal attacks, we can still make progress locally – and that’s where you come in!
Today we are asking you to take three simple actions to build momentum for legislation that will help protect the Mahomet Aquifer and protect Illinois’ children from pesticide exposure.
You can take action by submitting a witness slip on the following bills that are under consideration in Illinois. By submitting a witness slip, you can call on Illinois legislators to protect our water, our health, our biodiverse ecosystems, and our rights.
Please submit a witness slip today to support these critical issues:
- Support (“Proponent”) of HB3614 to protect the Mahomet Aquifer (House)
- Support (“Proponent”) of SB1723 to protect the Mahomet Aquifer (Senate)
- Support (“Proponent”) of HB1596 to protect children at schools and parks from pesticide exposure
Never submitted a witness slip? It only takes a few minutes of your time! Instructions at the bottom of this page.
Protect the Mahomet Aquifer (HB 3614 & SB 1723)
The bills to protect the Mahomet Aquifer from carbon sequestration are headed to committee hearings in both the Illinois House and Senate this week!
The Mahomet Aquifer provides drinking water to almost a million people in Central Illinois. It is a US EPA designated sole source drinking water aquifer, which means that communities that rely on the aquifer have no economically viable alternative drinking water supply.
The aquifer is threatened by multiple proposals to inject and store CO2 through and under the aquifer. These projects are proposing to store CO2 under the Mahomet Aquifer at volumes 50 times larger than ever done in Illinois. The only existing carbon sequestration project at ADM’s Decatur facility has leaked twice. For the Mahomet Aquifer, the risk tolerance must be zero.
You may or may not depend on the Mahomet Aquifer yourself, but many in Central Illinois do. Please stand up for our drinking water today by submitting witness slips in support (“Proponent”) of HB3614 and SB1723.
Protect Illinois families, children, and ecosystems from Pesticide Exposure (HB 1596)
Illinois families, children, and ecosystems face increasing risks from pesticide exposure. All too frequently, and without warning, toxic chemicals drift away from their application sites risking exposure to children outdoors at schools, parks, and neighborhoods, putting public health at risk.
New legislation—HB1596—seeks to change this. This bill will require advance notice before large-scale applications of pesticides are made near schools, daycares and parks. Providing valuable information to school and park administrators so they can better protect children. Please stand up for our children’s future by submitting a witness slip in support (“Proponent”) of HB1596 today.
Your voice matters! By submitting a witness slip, you can show legislators on the committee that safeguarding our communities from toxic pesticide exposure is important to you.
How to Submit a Witness Slip
A witness slip officially shows your support for these critical bills. Please take a minute to fill out a witness slip for all THREE bills linked above!
Here’s how to fill one out:
- Section I – Enter your information. In the “Firm/Business or Agency” box, enter “myself.
- Section II – In “Representation,” enter “myself.
- Section III – Mark “Proponent” to show your support.
- Section IV – Select “Record of Appearance Only.”
Need help? Here’s a tutorial video to guide you through the process.
Tip! Create a profile. It’ll be faster in the future, and you can fix our entry if you make a mistake.