November 7, 2017 | Blog Post
In a rare case of bipartisanship, the RECLAIM Act (H.R. 1731) was reported out of the House Natural Resources committee last month. Illinois would fair better than almost any state under the RECLAIM Act, receiving $105 million to be used toward the estimated $137 million needed for our abandoned mine land reclamation work.
Coal Industry Writes the Rules at the Expense of Water and Wildlife
October 12, 2017 | Blog Post
A recent Chicago Tribune article reported that as Governor Rauner moves to “rescue” coal plant operator Dynegy, pollution could increase.
ICC Says, “Sorry, Ameren Customers… No Energy Efficiency for You”
September 28, 2017 | Blog Post
Ameren customers downstate will miss out on energy efficiency opportunities thanks to a plan approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) this month. PRN issued an August 4th Action Alert against the action. Who will pay the price for Ameren’s savings? The people of downstate Illinois.
September 27, 2017 | Press Release
PRN with the Springfield Branch of the NAACP and the Sangamon Valley Group of the Sierra Club announced a joint filing of a complaint against the Illinois Pollution Control Board (IPCB) and the City Water, Light and Power’s (CWLP) Dallman Coal Plant.
The Future of Energy
September 8, 2017 | Blog Post
Ten years ago, Illinois developed a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) that set a goal for Illinois investor-owned utilities to obtain 25% of their energy from renewable sources by 2025, but issues with funding have caused major wind and solar projects to come to a standstill in recent years. T