Green Politics Night at Escobar’s
Please join us for Green Politics Night! When: Thursday, April 25, 2013, 6-8pm Where: Escobar’s, 6 East Columbia Ave., Champaign 61820 Hear updates on local environmental issues such as the Champaign bag ordinance, sole source aquifer petition, and climate action plans by local politicians and policymakers. Socialize with fellow environmentalists and enjoy the great food and atmosphere […]
Eighth annual Boneyard Creek Community Day a big success!
See photos of the 2013 Boneyard Creek Community Day in the News-Gazette. 330 volunteers removed trash and invasive species at seven clean-up sites throughout Champaign-Urbana. They cleaned up 845 acres of land and 3.9 miles of water to leave these places better than they had found them. Stay tuned to the Boneyard Creek Community Day […]
The Vermilion River: Embracing the Future
Join us for six lightning talks and an open discussion on the future of the Vermilion River system: Vermilion River at a Crossroads – Sue Smith, Salt Fork River Partners Fish Diversity in the Vermilion River – Trent Thomas, Illinois Department of Natural Resources Native Mussel Re-introduction – Jeremy Tiemann, Illinois Natural History Survey Danville […]
Annual Dinner Roundup
Thank you to all of you who attended our 14th Annual Dinner and 45th Anniversary celebration in October. The staff and board of directors had a wonderful time visiting with our members and celebrating the successes you made possible. Congratulations to our 2012 River Steward Brenda Dilts Each year we recognize and celebrates outstanding river […]