Get the Inside Scoop: August 25 Please join Prairie Rivers Network staff and board, and invited special guests – legislators and other experts – for an opportunity to discuss upcoming environmental legislation and developments affecting Illinois’ water resources. There will be no official panel or discussion; just come with your questions and get a personal […]
Calling for River Steward Award Nominations
Do you know a volunteer who is working hard to protect the state’s rivers and streams? Help celebrate and elevate their important work with a nomination for our 8th annual River Steward Award. The deadline is August 20, 2012. It is time once again to celebrate the important work of an individual whose on the ground […]
Prairie Rivers Network Happy Hour
Please join staff, board, volunteers, and friends at Prairie Rivers Network’s Happy Hour When: Friday, June 1, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Where: Beer garden at Mike ‘N Molly’s (105 N. Market St. in Downtown Champaign) Everyone is welcome!
Exploring Potters Marsh By Canoe
Potters Marsh is not just a place – it is a river restoration success story. Located within the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, the construction of Lock and Dam 13 downstream of the refuge area in the late 1930s drastically affected this unique backwater area. Sediments and silt accummulated behind the dam, […]
Run for Your Rivers Raises $9,654
Prairie Rivers Network Thanks our Charity Running/Walking Team, Volunteers, and Sponsors Our 16 member team ran and walked a total of 252.7 miles in 45.32 hours at the Illinois Marathon, and raised $9,654 from 185 donors to help protect clean water and healthy rivers. A special thank you to our top three fundraisers: Jean, Rob, and Beverly Lucy Bannon – half marathon […]