April 30, 2021 | Blog Post
For the past few months, PRN has been working with the International Crane Foundation to bring the Midwest Crane Count to the Illinois River Valley. What is the count, and why is it important?
Danville Dam Removals
September 5, 2018 | Blog Post
One of the best ways to heal a river is to remove a dam, and these dams are coming out!
Cities are Islands for Pollinators
August 24, 2018 | Blog Post
Urban spaces provide a unique opportunity for us to help monarchs and other pollinators survive.
Widespread Dicamba Herbicide Use Threatens Midwest Crops and Habitat
April 7, 2017 | Blog Post
The use of dicamba herbicide will be greatly expanded in the Midwest this year with the planting of dicamba resistant soybeans on millions of acres. Dicamba has been registered for use since 1965 and is sold widely in hundreds of products for broadleaf weed control for crops, rights of ways, and lawns. The increased use this year threatens specialty crops, prairie, and pollinator habitat.