February 27, 2025 | Action Alert
Your right to kayak, canoe, and enjoy Illinois’ rivers is at risk – but you can help protect it today!
Prairie Rivers Network hosts #FloatForAll to raise awareness about river access
September 11, 2024 | Event
This year, as part of our Clean Water Forever campaign, and in celebration of It’s Our River Day on Saturday, September 21, we are organizing a state-wide Float for All.
Climate Change and the Upper Mississippi
April 20, 2020 | Blog Post
PRN’s Ryan Grosso takes us on a deep dive into American Rivers’ Most Endangered River, the Upper Mississippi, and climate change.
Protect the Big Muddy!
January 14, 2020 | Action Alert
The Pond Creek Coal Mine wants to pump high chloride and high sulfate water into the Big Muddy River in southern Illinois.
Year in Review: Rivers and Wildlife
December 29, 2018 | Blog Post
Our rivers and wildlife were under attack this year, and your support helped us face these challenges head on.