May 3, 2017 | Press Release
A coalition of environmental and public health advocates filed suit today to challenge a Trump administration rollback that could wipe out critical protections for cleaning up America’s leading source of toxic water pollution: coal power plant waste.
Over one hundred new reports released on Illinois’ coal ash: What have we learned?
We are finally seeing the results of many years of rulemaking on the problem of coal ash. Following the 2008 TVA Kingston disaster that spilled a billion gallons of coal ash, destroying property and the environment, the US EPA began drafting rules governing the disposal of coal ash. Coal ash is a waste product produced […]
WIIN passes, and the future of coal ash is unclear.
Regulation of Illinois’ coal ash may now fall solely in Illinois EPA’s hands. This weekend, the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN) passed the U.S. House and Senate, and is now awaiting a signature. This bill provides investments into water infrastructure across the country, including funding to address the Flint water crisis, but […]
National Park Service encourages removal of Dynegy’s coal ash from Vermilion River floodplain
The Middle Fork of the Vermilion River, one of Vermilion County’s beautiful and best natural resources, is under constant threat from coal ash. Dynegy’s enormous coal ash ponds sit perched on the banks of the Middle Fork of the Vermilion River, Illinois’s only National Scenic River. The National Park Service, steward of the National Scenic […]
Open dumping of coal ash waste called “beneficial use”
July 25, 2016 | Blog Post
An investigation to determine if coal ash used near Kickapoo State Park has contaminated a lake reveals why the current regulations for beneficial use of coal ash are broken and need to be changed.